Thursday, March 19, 2009

I Love Books/ Show and Tell Friday

And in this corner today, we have books and books and more books. These shelves are full of devotionals, what I would call counseling on different spiritual subjects, study books, Christian fiction, game books, political books, etc, etc. I enjoy reading. My husband says do you really need all these out in the bedroom, why not pack them away? I know if I packed them away I would forget I had them and never look at them again. As it is, they are handy to answer a question. There are scholastic books from when I was in school. Books that I know are clean to read. I am one who if I enjoyed a good book and haven't read it for a while, I like to read it again. Several I have are Christian fiction in a series, like the "Love Comes Softly" series by Jeanette Oke. Of course, our Bibles are there and different reference books.

These are books I am currently reading for relaxation. I just finished the first in the series by Thomas Kinkade and Katherine Spencer "Cape Light". It has been long enough since I read it that I didn't remember what happened and enjoyed it as much as the first time.

When my kids were little we read a lot. I enjoyed spending the time with them. These are some of the books we shared.

Come along and gather round as we share our hobbies and homes atShow and Tell


  1. Ahhhh, memories. I love those books! :o)

  2. Fantastic collection. Your link at Kelli's is incorrect. It's the one from last week!

    So, I just did some tweaking on the uri address bar in my browser and found your 'new' one. Love the books.

    My Show n Tell is all about afghans today. If you can get a chance, do stop by. Happy Friday.

    [scroll down below my flower photos.]

  3. I'm an avid reader too. In fact, I review books now and have a separate blog for that.

    Here's my show & tell post:

  4. I love a well used book case! That is so wonderful that you read to your kids. Thanks for sharing! Have a wonderful weekend. Elena

  5. You go girl! I treasure all literature and the old ones are so dear. I always told our sons to be kind to the books, they are our friends.

  6. That is wonderful! I have a bookcase in my bedroom stuffed full of books also. I am always glad to meet another bibliophile.

  7. I love books too and so does my husband, so we have to careful to keep them from taking over the house! :) The Love Comes Softly is one of my favorites.

  8. I love books too! Though your books are much neater than mine! I need to sort through them, and organize. I love the Love Comes Softly series too. Thank you for sharing them.

  9. I used to remember every detail of every book I read. Now I forget and can read a book again and be surprised! I'm not sure if that's good or bad.

  10. I love books too and have far too many of them. "Jenny's Surprise Summer" was a favorite with my girls, too. Thanks for sharing these!

    Thanks too for stopping by my kitchen table and leaving such an encouraging comment.

    God bless,
