Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Scripture Passages of Prayers of Intercession

Studying this morning on my Sunday School lesson on the rare time I get to be home from work because of an ice storm. The class has been using "When God's People Pray" by Jim Cymbala.

I received such a blessing in looking up some suggested passages. And as usual, I read the verses before and after to fill in more of the lesson I'm learning. The scriptures were so encouraging and challenging.

1. Acts:14-15 the prayers were for the Samaritans to receive the Holy Ghost. In this same chapter is the lesson on Simon the magician who believed as a result of the preaching and was baptized. But later when he saw that the apostles were praying for people and he saw the results of the power of God working, Simon wanted to pay the apostles for the ability to have the same power. You see before Simon was a believer, he was reverenced and had much influence among his followers. He was admonished by the apostles of his error and that the power of God could not be bought.

This is a reminder to me that just because someone makes that first step of becoming a believer in Jesus, we can't let up praying for them. They're still like an unsteady babe or young child. They need our encouragement and help to grow in the Lord.

2.  Ephesians 1:17:19 Paul prayed for believers to have the spirit of wisdom and revealed knowledge and the greatness of God's power. We never stop growing and we should never stop seeking growth.

3.  Romans 15:31 Paul requested prayer for deliverance from those that don't believe and that his service would be accepted by believers.

4.  Ephesians 3:16:19 Prayed to be strengthened by might of His Spirit. Rooted and grounded, to know the depth, width and length

5.  Ephesians 6:19-20 To open mouth boldly as you ought to speak. Thought of our new pastor coming, Shawn Thomas.

6.  2 Thessalonians 1:11-12  That our communications of faith would be effective.

7.  Philemon 6 Pray that sharing of your faith will help people recognize and appreciate and understand what we have in Christ Jesus

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