Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Good Morning Lord

Natasa at Slavim Isusa shared some posts this month on those that are suffering for trusting in Jesus. It has caused me to think how easy we have it. We definitely have trials. God doesn't allow any of us to go to heaven on a flowery bed of ease. Our faith needs to be tested. Our Christianity can't just be a nice label that we wear. But there are people that are so hungry for Jesus in places that are not open to letting them have the freedom to worship Him without real danger and even murder should they be discovered seeking Him. It is sobering and makes me realize how precious it is to enjoy reading the promises of God. How much He loves you and me.

I have learned that even though people have failed me God is my life line and He has never failed me.

A song came to me this morning when I woke up. "I want Jesus in my life more than anything." It is a reminder, not how spiritual I am for having those thoughts because it came from God, pulled from memories long ago. But it is a call from Him to draw close. I appreciate His request for a "morning hug".


  1. Thanks for sharing your refreshing thoughts this morning. :o) Love ya and hope you have a blessed day!

  2. it is good to start our day with Him...
