Saturday, June 21, 2008

Essentials for Life

In our home business one of our products is Essentials for Life, a nutritional supplment. As I was praying this morning at my bench I told God how essential He is for my life. To feel His presence in a quiet place. To have His strength settle over me. There is no other way for me to exist except through God, His faith, His hope, His love.

Also I have been reading and meditating this week on I Cor 1: God chooses and uses the weak and foolish and despised things of this world. Jesus had compassion on those that were cast out by others.

In Acts 10 Peter saw the vision of the great sheet let down from heaven with various animals and a voice telling him "Rise, kill and eat" Peter's response was "No, I have never eaten anything common or unclean" God's response was "Don't call common and unclean what I have cleansed".

God wants us to bestow more honor on those members of the body of Christ that seem less honorable. Through Isaiah, God admonished His people for having the attitude of "Keep back from me, I am holier than thou."

My Hope is alive because God cares for me in spite of my nothingness. The email was sent this week about the cracked water pot and and how it was used to water the flowers along the path because of the crack. That's me, a crackpot!


  1. Sis J
    I am so blessed by your posts. It grieves me that for years I condemned people to hell that I did not even know simply because they either looked different from me or went to a different meeting place. God has been gracious to reveal himself to me and let me know just who the body of Christ is. I will reach my hand in fellowship to EVERY BLOOD-WASHED one. Love you, Sis Becky

  2. Thanks Sis Becky,

    Thank God for the doors God has opened to us. Walking through them has included plenty of heartaches, but God has proven true in every one. "For God is true"
