Thursday, January 1, 2009

Reach out and touch someone

Technology is very handy to reach out and touch others. We can hand out and receive a breath of fresh air through the computer and phone. While visiting Ohio I ask by oldest brother about his wife's brother. He said physically he was not doing real well.Max has MS and is very weak and I think on a ventilator. The last time I saw him was at my sister-in-laws' funeral a couple of years ago. He was in a wheelchair then. We visited him with him then and gave him one of our CD's of our family singing. And he so appreciated it. He has a very loving wife who cares for him. He is a Christian and has a very good attitude. He will tell you he is ready for heaven. I felt I wanted to call his home and let them know I was thinking of him. I was surprised today when I called and his wife asked if I wanted to talk to him. His voice was very clear. He said he was laying down and that enabled him to talk better. What amazed me is that even though we haven't seen each other for a long time he said he prays for us every day. He was full of news: his son, daughter-in-law and toddler grandson surprised him and came home from Texas for Christmas. You could tell he loves being a grandpa.

Max is such a blessing. It is great to find out that someone from your past acquaintances gets saved. Pray for Max and his wife. It can't be easy dealing with his illness.


  1. why is so hard to call or to visit someone... we often live in our little world forgetting people outside...
