Saturday, November 29, 2008

On the Mountaintop

After secluding myself in the house this holiday, blogging, facebooking, watching Hallmark movies, crafting, having time for prayer and Bible study,etc. I escaped today. I asked my husband if he minded if I was gone for a while he said go ahead. Now mind you, I am not always this lazy. I needed the break as I have not had one for some time. And I did do laundry, hanging clothes on the line to save electricty.

Anyhow,I took off with library books to return, stopped at a couple of shops uptown and decided to take a drive up the mountain. This is not usually something I do by myself, especially the route I took. It was a beautiful day if somewhat cloudy. I do wish I had taken Lori's camera with me to share pictures.

I stopped at a country store I had never been to then followed the signs to Blowing Rock. The drive was enjoyable and going real well considering I don't always do well with heights. On good days I'm ok sometimes I feel panic. Then as the last sign to Blowing Rock said 19 miles the drive went through curve after hairpin curve with not much road room between me and the edge. Still doing fairly well. Then it continued on and on and my nervous panic slowly started working on me. I kept thinking, Lord you know I can do this, I'm going slow and eventually town will come. I start thinking of facing medical procedures that gave me the tremors God brought me through them, I know I can do this...No, Jane, enjoy this ride. By the way, what other choice did I have? NONE. Finally, houses began to come into view instead of trees and drop offs. Thank you Lord. Finally the outskirts of town and places I recognized. YES! I did it.

It was cold up there and snow was visible and some ice on ponds. Stopped at my favorite shop and bought a glass nativity ornament(see above). In spite of the cold and the economy the town was packed but I found easy parking places. Moved on to another favorite shop. For me, looking at the beautiful home decorations does wonders for my mind. Looking is free (smile). Hot drink completed my night out on the town.

Fortunately, I knew a different way home. A way more traveled and right past Julie's house. By then rain was falling and I was glad to be headed home in case it froze on the road. Going past Walmart did not escape me. I stopped in to pick up a few minor things needed at home. About the time I am headed to pay, Rick calls and asks me to bring home something to eat. "I already have something and I will be home in 40 minutes." "Forty minutes?" "Yes, I am in Walmart in Lenoir." "OK."

Now I am headed to feed the dogs and to bed.


  1. it seems you had good day... are you playing with backgrounds?

  2. Yes. I can't wait to share some thoughts with you. God has been flooding my soul this morning.
